Friday, April 14, 2017

Oxford Canal James Elroy Flecker

Oxford Canal James Elroy Flecker

Guest poem submitted by Tamsin Bacchus:
(Poem #1877) Oxford Canal
 When you have wearied of the valiant spires of this County Town,
 Of its wide white streets and glistening museums, and black monastic walls,
 Of its red motors and lumbering trams, and self-sufficient people,
 I will take you walking with me to a place you have not seen -
 Half town and half country - the land of the Canal.
 It is dearer to me than the antique town: I love it more than the rounded
 Straightest, sublimest of rivers is the long Canal.
 I have observed great storms and trembled: I have wept for fear of the
 But nothing makes me so afraid as the clear water of this idle canal on a
summer's noon.
 Do you see the great telephone poles down in the water, how every wire is
 If a body fell into the canal it would rest entangled in those wires for
ever, between earth and air.
 For the water is as deep as the stars are high.
 One day I was thinking how if a man fell from that lofty pole
 He would rush through the water toward me till his image was scattered by
his splash,
 When suddenly a train rushed by: the brazen dome of the engine flashed: the
long white carriages roared;
 The sun veiled himself for a moment, and the signals loomed in fog;
 A savage woman screamed at me from a barge: little children began to cry;
 The untidy landscape rose to life; a sawmill started;
 A cart rattled down to the wharf, and workmen clanged over the iron
 A beautiful old man nodded from the first story window of a square red
 And a pretty girl came out to hang up clothes in a small delightful garden.
 O strange motion in the suburb of a county town: slow regular movement of
the dance of death!
 Men and not phantoms are these that move in light.
 Forgotten they live, and forgotten die.
-- James Elroy Flecker
This poem always comes to mind when I look at still water. It's well ahead
of its time (the very beginning of the 20th century) stylistically, and so
was left out of the Victorian/Edwardian anthologies. Later anthologists do
not seem to look beyond Flecker's few well-known poems. But a school friend
and I used to walk along the canal on Sundays out from boarding school and
so I have loved the poem from the moment I first read it. Revisiting it
now, I have noticed the "black monastic walls" that obviously pre-date the
massive clean up of the college buildings after centuries of grime. I also
hadn't previously appreciated the description of a steam train rushing by --
only something I have recently experienced waiting for a change of train in
Swindon when a steam special roared through. The preserved lines that chug
through the British countryside do their best but they are mopeds to a
Harley Davison when you see, feel and smell the real thing!


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Owl Cinema Week 4 Owl Wars

Owl Cinema Week 4 Owl Wars

Stupid Ironman didnt get the memo. Forgot to wear his stormtrooper outfit. 

Owl Cinema is a New Series.
See Week 1 here
See Week 2 here
See Week 3 here

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Piña Colada Cake for a Special Birthday

Piña Colada Cake for a Special Birthday

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Pasta With Fresh Zucchini Sauce

Pasta With Fresh Zucchini Sauce

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Thursday, April 13, 2017

Picture secret XXXIV

Picture secret XXXIV

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Descargar Pet Rescue Saga 1.54.17 APK

Nombre: Pet Rescue Saga
Plataforma: Android
Requiere: Android 2.1 o Superior
Tipo: Aplicación
Versión: 1.54.17

Pet Rescue Saga apk v1.54.17 hack movimientos ilimitadas, mod Pet Rescue Saga 1.54.17 vidas infinitas hack 2015, baixar Pet Rescue Saga livre hack boosters, pet rescue saga mod desbloqueado. Pet Rescue Saga es el nuevo juego de puzzle éxito de los creadores de la saga de caramelo Crush. Coincidir con dos o más bloques del mismo color para borrar el nivel y salvar a los animales domésticos.

Pet Rescue Saga Características:
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• Rápido de aprender, pero con horas de divertidos desafíos
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• Diamantes, la explosión de bombas, encerrados jaulas de animales y mucho más
• Una tabla de clasificación emocionante para sus amigos y competidores
• Sincronización perfecta con la versión de Facebook.

Qué hay de nuevo
Las mascotas han viajado en el tiempo para su próxima aventura! Con él trae una nueva actualización emocionante, que incluye:
- Un nuevo episodio marca, Bedrock Base! Este tejón cueva necesita su ayuda para romper esas rocas tenaces ... Con 15 nuevos niveles, en la actualidad hay 1107 niveles de diversión para que usted disfrute!
- Un fantástico nuevo bloque: la vid! Las mascotas necesitan tu ayuda para desenredar ellos!
¡Hecho de la diversión! Ron la ardilla ha comenzado preparando para el invierno por squirrelling distancia unas cuantas nueces aquí y allá.

Versión 1:
- Movimientos normales.
- Vidas ilimitadas.
- Booster ilimitados (u necesita tener por lo menos una).
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- Todos los episodios de desbloqueo.
- Todo el mundo desbloqueado.

Versión 2:
- 200 + movimientos.
- Vidas ilimitadas.
- Booster ilimitados (u necesita tener por lo menos una).
- Todos los niveles desbloqueados.
- Todos los episodios de desbloqueo.
- Todo el mundo desbloqueado.

1. Usted puede comprar boosters usando oro.
2. Impulsores desbloquearán automáticamente si u empezar desde el principio.
3. Si instala la versión 1.36.3 o más lanzado que usted no tiene que desinstalar simplemente actualizar.

1- Descargue APK MOD
2- Desinstalar O congelar Facebook.
3. Desinstalar versión antigua del juego.
4. Instale el archivo descargado, y conectarse a Facebook.



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Pazhaya Vannarapettai 2016 Tamil Movie Watch Online And Download

Pazhaya Vannarapettai 2016 Tamil Movie Watch Online And Download

Pazhaya Vannarapettai Tamil Movie Watch Online

If Movie is showing “ERROR”, Refresh the page and try again

Pazhaya Vannarapettai Full Movie Download

Pazhaya Vannarapettai Movie Online

Cast :  Prajin, Richard, Nishanth, Ashmitha, Karunas
Director : G. Mohan
Genre : Drama
Year Released : 2016

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Peaudloup et le Géant des steppes

Peaudloup et le Géant des steppes

 Some development work, for children book as well.

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Paytm Trick For Unlimited Wallet Money

Paytm Trick For Unlimited Wallet Money

Painting and Drawing Still Life

Painting and Drawing Still Life

Jonas Wood

1. Perceive Artful Writing: Jonas Wood
Audio Example

2. Research
Still Life Painting-An Introduction from Frank Curkovic


What is contemporary art?
Elements of Art packet

KQED Elements of Art Videos

3. Inspiration
     Plant collage Pinterest
     Jonas Wood
Video: Jonas Wood

** Extra Time: MOMA art games

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Phenylketonuria PKU or ADHD

Phenylketonuria PKU or ADHD

ADHD vs. Phenylketonuria: A possible misdiagnosis?

If you’ve never heard or seen the term phenylketonuria (PKU) before, you are not alone. However, here’s a quick experiment. Go look at the back of a 2-Liter bottle of diet soda. Near the bottom of the back label, you will probably see a small warning label that says something along the line of “Phenylketonurics: contains phenylalanine” (individuals with phenylketonuria are often referred to as phenylketonurics).

The reason that this warning is on the back of only diet sodas and not regular ones is because the artificial sweetener Aspartame (Nutrasweet) contains the amino acid phenylalanine as one of its two primary components. When phenylketonurics, take in large amounts of this artificial sweetener, they get a large buildup of this amino acid in their bloodstream which they have trouble clearing. As a result, they often suffer a number of physiological problems, in, but not limited to, the nervous system.

The conversion process of phenylalanine to dopamine and how it relates to ADHD:

Phenylketonurics are those individuals who, for typically genetically predetermined reasons, are unable to break down and process the amino acid phenylalanine. This process actually has several implications that can relate to ADHD. We have spoken extensively about the neurochemical dopamine in various other posts. In general, chemical imbalances of this important neurotransmitter are frequently at the helm of ADHD and related disorders (typically shortages of dopamine are found in the "gaps" between neuronal cells, and most stimulant medications for ADHD work by resetting dopamine levels within these gaps). As we can see below, the body can actually manufacture this important brain chemical from various sources or starting materials, including phenylalanine (providing that the individual is capable of manufacturing all of the necessary enzymes in the conversion process. For PKU patients, this conversion process is hindered, and typically leads to shortages of dopamine). A rough sketch of the conversion process is listed below:

So what’s the point?

I have highlighted the chemical changes above, using different colors to represent the enzymes used and the chemical changes that these enzymes are responsible for (note the red and blue colors). As we can see above, the first step of the metabolism of phenylalanine to dopamine is done by adding a hydroxyl ("OH") group to phenylalanine, converting it to another amino acid, tyrosine. The chemical change is highlighted in red. (As an interesting side note, tyrosine is sometimes used as an ADHD supplement or auxiliary to medication treatment, even though the effectiveness of tyrosine for treating ADHD is questionable. Note that if one with PKU were to start with tyrosine, they would bypass the step of the chemical process of converting phenylalanine to tyrosine, which would help with the deficient enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase. This enzyme will be addressed further down in the post).

Further modifications carry it to the product dopamine, which require two other enzymes (as a side note, the conversion of tyrosine to dopamine, in addition to the two enzymes listed above, also requires an adequate supply of iron. This is one reason why maintaining ample iron stores is necessary in combating ADHD and related disorders, and why an iron deficiency can elicit some of the negative behaviors characteristic of ADHD patients). As an aside, we have previously investigated how iron deficiency can affect both ADHD and sleep disorders and how iron supplementation can potentially offset the toxic effects of lead in ADHD patients.

Youll notice that the first step of the conversion process is blocked for individuals with PKU. This is due to a mutation in the gene that codes for this enzyme, the phenylalanine hydroxylase gene. For reference sake, the phenylalanine hydroxylase gene is located on 12th human chromosome. Remember that it is the mutated form(s) of the gene that can lead to PKU, the vast majority of the human population carries the regular form.

Fortunately, phenylketonuria is a rare genetic disorder, affecting less than one percent of the population. This is due, in part, to the fact that it must be present in both parents to be passed on to a child. It is almost always detected in most newborn screenings. However, it is possible to be missed, especially if a milder form is present. While there are several key differences, some of its symptoms mimic problems that correlate with attention deficit disorders. These include:

  • Hyperactivity
  • Erratic Arm and Leg Movements (can be similar to tics or Tourettes-like behavior, which often accompanies ADHD individuals as a comorbid disorder)
  • Social immaturity and impairment of mental skills
  • Learning disabilities

As we can see, these four traits are classic behaviors seen in many children diagnosed with ADHD. The first two are more characteristic of the hyperactive/impulsive or combined subtypes of ADHD, the fourth is more tied to the inattentive form of the disorder, and the third can fall into any of the categories. Interestingly, both ADHD and PKU disorders share a common brain region of deficit, the prefrontal cortex.

Key Differences Between ADHD and PKU:

  • IQ: Most individuals with ADHD typically fall within the normal range on most IQ tests (however, cases of abnormally high or low IQ scores certainly exist). For individuals with PKU, however, a depressed IQ is almost always seen (PKU is a relatively common cause of mental retardation). For example, in a British study, it was found that IQ scores for children with PKU hovered around 90. The IQ scores were closely correlated to the ability of the individual treatments to keep the phenylalanine levels below a specific benchmark in the blood. In addition, differences in subscores, indicate a possible deficit in spatial processing. Interestingly, visual-spatial deficits are often present in ADHD and its comorbid disorders as well.

  • Head size: Abnormally small head sizes are often seen in PKU. While smaller relative volumes in specific brain regions are often seen in ADHD, the overall head size differences are typically not as pronounced as for PKU. Interestingly, the effects of smaller head sizes and brain regions for both PKU and ADHD, respectively found the differences to be much more pronounced in boys than in girls. Note that we have previously discussed several other gender differences in ADHD.

  • Onset of symptoms: In general, PKU symptoms are fully manifested in the first two years of life. These include both mental and physical impairments. While symptoms of ADHD can often begin to appear early on, they often do not fully appear until much later in life. As a result, difficulties in pinning down age-specific aspects of ADHD persist.

As we can see, there are a number of features and methods in place such that the possibility of misdiagnosing ADHD as PKU and PKU as ADHD by a skilled professional is relatively small. However, in addition to PKU, there are genetic deficiencies which result in compromised activity of the phenylaline hydroxylase enzyme by around 5 to 10%. While these deficiencies are milder than in full-fledged phenylketonuria, it does bring up a critical point that intermediate states do exist between being diagnosed with PKU and not having PKU. It is possible that individuals in this potentially vulnerable intermediate state of enzyme deficiency may be more susceptible to disorders such as ADHD. Of course, this is just a personal hypothesis.

Nevertheless, the main goal of this post was to highlight some of the key genetic, physiological and behavioral overlaps of the two disorders. It is my personal belief that looking for common underlying trends between even the most disparate disorders can offer a wealth of information into some of the underlying causes of the individual disorders that we would otherwise miss. In other words, I think we often sell our selves short by not digging "deep" enough in our investigations of the fundamental causes of diseases and disorders such as ADHD and phenylketonuria.

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Peculiarities of a New Windows TCP IP Stack

Peculiarities of a New Windows TCP IP Stack

Starting with Windows Vista, Microsoft has switched its operating systems to a new network stack — Next Generation TCP/IP Stack. The stack is stuffed with various perks: Windows Filtering Platform, a scalable TCP window and other delicacies. But it’s not them we will be talking about, but a specific behavioral pattern of the new network stack.

Any self-respecting network scanner should be able to detect an operating system used on the host being scanned. The more parameters it uses for this purpose, the more accurate the result is. For example, Nmap employs a wide range of metrics: various TCP metrics (the timestamp values behavior, re-ordering TCP options), IP metrics (an algorithm for a packet order number calculation, processing of IP packet flags) and other metrics.

In Positive Technologies, we also collect metrics and detect OS versions. So, I’d like to tell you about a metric I’ve found recently. This metric allows detecting Windows systems that use the new stack. The detection method is based on the analysis of ICMP Timestamp responses. ICMP Timestamps is a distant ancestor of synchronization protocols that allows requesting time of a remote system. A request and response structure of ICMP Timestamp is provided in Figure 1.

Figure 1. A request and response structure of ICMP Timestamp.

The bars in red are for a standard ICMP header. Below are the timestamp bars that indicate the moment when the request was sent, the moment when the request was received by a remote user, and the moment when the response was sent by the remote user. Timestamps are the amount of milliseconds having passed from midnight till UTC. If the host is incapable of sending its time data accurate to millisecond, it should set its high bit to 1 and send at list something as time data. We are interested in the last timestamp. The fact is that Microsoft, as it tends to be, was quite frivolous about the RFC implementation: instead of transmitting the network byte order, the system sends a temporary timestamp with the host byte order without setting the high bit to 1, though it does send the timestamps accurate to a second. Moreover, starting from Vista, the Windows systems, for some inexplicable reason, do some crazy things with timestamps.

Figure 2 describes a standard behavior of timestamps. The blue line represents timestamps received from the server, while the red one represents the server time. The X axis stands for the time passed since the experiments started; the Y axis represents timestamp values in seconds. The line means that the network byte order is converted to the host order.

Figure 2 — A standard timestamp behavior.

However, the actual behavior was a far cry from all standards. Take a look at Figure 3 (the time resolution is higher).
Figure 3 — Timestamp behavior in a higher time resolution.

As you can see, every second the value of the transmitted timestamp exceeds the true one by 10000 seconds. The gaps on the graph are a mere result of the Windows scheduler decision to break off our program.

It might be that Windows transmits timestamps this way to baffle the attacker who’s trying to find out the remote host time. This behavior is typical only for Windows systems with the new stack, which allows employing the new way of detecting such systems.

Thank you for your attention.

Author: Stanislav Kirillov, Positive Research 

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Party Songs 2017 Marathi Songs

Party Songs 2017 Marathi Songs

Party Songs (2017) Marathi Songs

Party Songs(2017) Songs

  • Album : Party Songs(2017)
  • Singers : Anand Shinde, Avadhoot Gupte,Kunal Ganjawala,Reshma Sonavane, Manohar Kolambre,Rohit Raut, Shrinidhi Ghatate,Ajit Parab,Ajay Gogavale,Siddharth Mahadevan,Sameer Saptiskar, Abhishek Khankar, Abhishek,Ravindra Upadhyay,Harshavardhan Wavare, Amitraj
  • Music : Avadhoot Gupte
  • Year : 2016
  • For More Movies Songs, just like our Official Facebook Page..
Songs Download Links
01.Shitti Wajali Gaadi Sutal
–Anand Shinde, Avadhoot Gupte
02.Baaygo Baaygo
–Kunal Ganjawala
03.Hi Poli Saajuk
– Reshma Sonavane, Manohar Kolambre
– Rohit Raut, Shrinidhi Ghatate
05.Aayna Ka Bayna
– Ajit Parab
06.Ye Go Ye Ye Maina
– Ajay Gogavale
07.Satyam Shivam Sundaram
– Siddharth Mahadevan
08.Break – Up Ke Baad
– Sameer Saptiskar, Abhishek Khankar
– Ravindra Upadhyay, Avadhoot Gupte
10.Teri Meri Yaariyan
– Harshavardhan Wavare, Amitraj
Party Songs (2017) All Songs Zip File Download in 256Kbps – Click here

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PARDESHIKO BETHA II परदेशीको ब्यथा II New Nepali Short Movie 2016

PARDESHIKO BETHA II परदेशीको ब्यथा II New Nepali Short Movie 2016

This movies title Pardeshi Ko Betha. The english translation of this word is betrayal.  Betrayal is the breaking or violation of a presumptive contract, trust, or confidence that produces moral and psychological conflict within a relationship among individuals, between organizations or between individuals and organizations.

Here a mother, wife who is betraying her husband and her daughter. She is living with her daughter. Her husband is far away from her to do job, to earn money. Her daughter is small but she had to do many things like cooking, cleaning, washing dishes etc. She is busy with her boy friend. She used go talk in mobile long long time. She have some physical relationship with her boyfriend also. One days she tell his boy friend that she is pregnant and she eloped with her boyfriend leaving her daughter alone. After some days the girls father come back home. 

Now a days we are listening many news about this type of problem. Most of the Nepali youth was in abroad leaving their young wife and small kids in Nepal alone. Some of them wait for their husband and some of them eloped with other. 

Here is a news posted in Nepali newspaper. This is one of the example

In a announcement Ambika gave to the police, she stated, "My husband labored in Malaysia for the reason that five years. He came domestic only once a year. the man with whom I select to live now fulfiled my dreams when my husband changed into away."
"it has been 2 years when you consider that im with this guy. this is some thing human wishes, except cash. So what if i have taken his money, he can earn for himself again," she stated, adding, "ive wasted my treasured years looking forward to my better half of". 
Mahesh had filed the case in Mangalpur, Chitwan on January 1, 2009. 
Ambika isnt always the simplest married girl betraying her husband and eloping with every other guy. Bishnu Chaudhary hailing from Kathmandu, married to Ram Narayan Chaudhary, who changed into working in Dubai seeing that 7 years, gave a similar announcement to the police whilst interrogated. The case turned into filed on January 25, 2010. 
"I heard my husband become staying with another female in Dubai and that they were sharing the entirety," Bishnu told the police. 
"For some days, i was quiet for the sake of my kids, but later on I contacted my boyfriend and entered into a brand new dating." She stated that she additionally took away money her husband despatched her from Dubai. 
New trend is hitting the middle-class families throughout Nepal, wherein 99 in step with cent of married guys, lots of them coming back from paintings overseas, are complaining that their better halves betrayed them now not simplest through eloping however additionally removing the belongings with them, says Nepal Police (NP) spokesperson and Deputy general of Police (DIGP) Bigyan Raj Sharma, highlighting the current fashion. 
in step with him, men of their age brackets 30-35 are more often than not submitting the complaints towards their higher halves. 
Statements recorded by using the police from the sufferers (Husbands) are coronary heart-rending.
one of the victims, giving his declaration to police on condition of anonymity, yelled and cried, saying, "not anything is left for me. whatever i have earned until now is all taken by means of my wife…" 
He persevered, "before I left my us of a, ive left all my financial savings with her. once I went overseas, I saved sending domestic each single penny I earned thru hard labour. all the cash I had despatched to my wife is long past along with her, not anything has been left. "My wife betrayed me and took away the whole lot," he lamented. 
Superintendent of Police, Sher Bahadur Basnet, Metropolitan Police range (MPR), discovered  latest instances from the police document. 
The girls who deserted their husbands have also victimised their children, residing to fend for themselves, said Sharma, adding that the mental affliction of the father is possibly to bring about insecure future for the youngsters.
"Who will deal with the deserted children is a complicated question," remarks Sharma. 
once the wife knows that her husband is coming domestic, she is going away to some other district or out of the country. "Police is helpless in such instances," Sharma stated, including, ninety five in step with cent of the women who have eloped or have entered into illicit relations with other men are fleeing the us of a, whilst simplest five according to cent of them come to terms along with her higher halves. "proceedings from married guys outnumber the lawsuits filed by married women," Proceed To Video

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Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Photo Shoot

Photo Shoot

I am re-designing the front page of Jane Davies Art Gallery, and making the navigation easier.  In preparation, I had a photo shoot today with George Bouret, who is not only an excellent photographer, but he is fun to work with.  Ill post some of the studio shots he took next week, but meanwhile, here are a few shots of him, and of my studio rearranged for the shoot:

Photographing the Photographer

George took photos of me dripping paint on these canvases, so they had to dry flat.

After the studio shots of me working, George took photos of some finished work, including the stripes you see here on my movable wall.

Thanks for visiting.  

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Paper Monsters Recut Deluxe v1 18

Paper Monsters Recut Deluxe v1 18

Requirements: 4.0+
Overview: Dive into the world of Paper Monsters Recut and watch a living world made out of paper, cardboard, and even a few cotton balls unfold right before your eyes!

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- Old school-style playable overworld, with plenty levels and secrets to unlock along the way.
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- Collect special treasures to unlock bonus high score mini games.
- Awesome original soundtrack.
- Fun for gamers of any age.

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More Info:



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Page 25 !!!

Page 25 !!!

I´m reaching the half of the first book of "Cobra". Unfortunately (due to my own schedule fault) we´ll have to wait to 2013 for the release of the two books. Be patient, please!!! :)

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Photos from Iceprince album launch

Photos from Iceprince album launch

Iceprince launched his second album "FIRE OF ZAMANI" last night at the Eko Hotel & Suites in Lagos.

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