Friday, February 24, 2017
PH Cıty are you  ready   Fashion Fever2
PH Cıty are you  ready   Fashion Fever2

Its FASHION FEVER aga?n brought 2 u by Snazzy labels N?ger?a L?m?ted, Where would rather be on d 8th December? Letsdraw the curta?n for th?s year; Th?s season we w?ll be celebrat?ng d?st?ngu?shed des?gners ?n the ?ger?an Fash?on ?ndustry; Abjs f?nest BELOIS couture and PHs f?nest JASONPORSCHE,
Introduc?ng ICONOB concepts(Lagos).
Th?s class event ?s set to mark Snazzylabels@3. Its gather?ng of Fash?on Lum?nar?es, Industry Bosses, Stunn?ng Queens and Style leaders.. The event w?ll feature models on the runway and there shall be presentat?on of awards to snazzylabels nobel award rec?p?ents.
Denn?s Ok?ke(Gulder Ult?mate W?nner 2013,Nnamd? Az?ude(Mr Ecowas Na?ja) Gedon?(Face of Nat?ve and Vogue) Cynosure Boss, Pr?ncess Dennar,Emma Nollywood, Zhal?ma Graz?on?, Lorenzo of L?on Fm, Lots of N?ger?an Queens..
Date:8th December
Venue: Lesukaa Event Center.
T?me: 5pm
T?cket: Free/Jux dress 4 d nxt person 2 catch the fever.
After Party@Pentagon VIP Lounge(Str?ctly on IV) Dj Cosec, Dj Sw?ss
MC: V?tam?n Cee
Red Carpet Host: Ez?m of Ixora Intl
Guest Art?sts; D?zzBaby, TOC, TyroneM?cheal of Stunna ?ce Mus?c
Snazzylabels N?ger?a L?m?ted
SNAZZYLABELS...Celebrat?ng Brands
Catch d Fever...
Available link for download