Saturday, February 25, 2017

Phase 3 Whiter than white!

Phase 3 Whiter than white!

Hi there!
Thanks for popping in.
Funny old day today.
One minute the house is full of folks, 
it’s hot in the kitchen
and you savour every minute;

the next, Mum and Dad have gone home,
and you are dropping Grace and Nick off at the airport.

But hang on! There’s another visitor flying in from San Francisco!
Mark’s lovely girlfriend Alex arrived at just about the same time the other two headed back to the Big Apple.

Before I go and spend some time with these two,
let’s just take a little look at the angels I have been working on....

I really taught myself a huge lesson today.
Remember where we got to?
I had been doing the white work and had decided to leave it overnight, because I could feel the parchment was just about to crack.

This was what the white work looked like before I left it overnight:

This morning, I came up here while the others were still sleeping, 
and started on the white work again.
I used the No. 4, 3 and 2 from the Starter Kit, and the 2.5 Pergamano tool.

I could not believe how much better the white work worked!

When I listened to the traditional parchers saying gently gently, leave the parchment to rest overnight, I never said anything, because after all, they are the experts!
But to be honest I used to think it was a bit extreme.

Now I’m no expert, but I can tell you this:
leaving your white work to rest overnight 
before going back over it again is tranformational. 
Just look at the before and after above if you don’t believe me!

I also worked out that the best way to blend the crisp line art into the white work is to apply gentle pressure with the No. 2 or 3 ball tool to the outside edge of the shape. Literally go back over the line art with a larger ball tool. Back and forth very slowly, applying gentle pressure to the outside edge. 
This is my goal next year. To learn these skills and take my parchment art to the next level.
I don’t need to be an expert - there are plenty of them!
I just want to get it right and do it right. 
You with me?

So tomorrow is the final stage.
Colour and assembly.
It’s no good. I can’t keep it secret any longer...
I’ll have to show you what we have come up with tomorrow.

Love & hugs.

Available link for download