Thursday, February 23, 2017

Pakistan Ready to defend and attack Israeli cyber space

Pakistan Ready to defend and attack Israeli cyber space

A days ago when anonymous Started operation israel huge destruction was caused in israeli cyber space and now a days they are claiming that its their time and they want to give payback to those countries who supported anonymous in his Cyber War specially countries which are " Pakistan , Syria , Saudi arabia , Iran and turkey. 

Pakistan is a country who is always ready to attack , defend and giving payback who cares what a country is israel and their peoples. Pakistan is like a roaring loin and want to give message to israeli hackers "You are like newbies and havent imagine our power go and ask to india who we are , if you even touched Pakistani cyber space then we will not be quite and will destroy your cyber space with a payback of 1 website = your 10 websites so never challenge us . our power is for rights and for Muslims we fight for justice not like you who kill innocent peoples "

We are 

Pak Cyber Mafia - Pak Cyber Army - Pak Cyber pyrates - Pak Cyber eaglez - Anonymous Pakistan - Haxors crew - Mads & team - Kashmir cyber Army - Pak Falcons - Pak bugs - Team Cyber Switch
And thousands of more but unknown for you.

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