Thursday, April 6, 2017
Owls and Lace a winning combination
Owls and Lace a winning combination
Hi there.
Thanks for popping in.
Ive been busy blitzing the house today.
It certainly needed it.
Theres something very rewarding about leaving housework
to the point where it looks like its been burgled though.
Firstly, you see a really significant result instantly.
Just by folding the mountain of clothes
and thereby creating a clear pathway through the bedroom!
And theres nothing like a Dysson vacuum cleaner for actually SEEING the benefits through the window.
Quite worrying really....
But thatll do for another wee while;
lets not get carried away!
Instead, lets take a look at one of the colouring preps I have done for the 5pm Show tomorrow.
I cant get enough of these Petite Gel Press Plates and lace.
So I thought I would see if you can use it to create a funky background ....
Lets take one of the Bookmarks - the Owls.

Ink up the Square Petite with a lovely Pink. I used
Artistry Rosy Cheeks

Press through the flowery lace,

Start in the centre and work your way outwards.

Mmm.... So do we think we will be able to bring the delicate owls back out of this busy camouflage?

Heres a Postcard prepped too....

Grey and pink pencils only.
Now watch how they appear again.

Tackle each owl individually,
and watch as they slowly begin to take form.

Can we bring them out of the lacy background?

Not half!

And the shattered lacey design in the background really sets it off.
Good enough to frame.
Or make a very long card!

Delighted with that.
I reckon this would look excellent in blue too. Towittwoo!

Hope you can join me tomorrow on HOCHANDA.
2pm Stamps
Two beautiful Christmas stampsets illustrated by Jayne Nestorenko.
These two sets, Poinsettia and The Holly & the Ivy, are created in the same way as the Rose, Dahlia, Agapanthus and Fuchsia which we launched a couple of months ago.
Built to sit in the huge window or picture frame.
We already have them in Groovi;
tomorrow we launch them as stamps.
5pm Colouring (The mountboard frames are in!)

We shall take another look into our Feathered Friends Colouring Book. Its time to start thinking about Christmas Presents!
And this colouring bundle complete with mountboard frames would make an amazing gift. Or two. Or three. Or thirty!
8pm Groovi launch: Build-a-wreath Linda Williams Style!
Now these Groovi Plates you have to see to fully appreciate just how brilliantly versatile they are!
You do realise that you can watch on the HOCHANDA website too, dont you? It is streamed LIVE, and then available to view for about a week on their catch-up.
So if you live in the States, or Australia, or Europe, or you simply cant get us on your TV, go to - and there we will be!
Looking forward to it!
Love & Hugs,
Just realised something.
Do you know I have blogged every single day since 16th October 2013? Thats over 3 years.
And today is a very special number of blogs.
Ready for this?
1,111 posts.
One thoudand, one hundred and eleven.
Thats substantial.
Can I stop yet?
Time for a cup of tea...
Available link for download