Sunday, April 9, 2017

PB Marshmallow Brownies with HONOR and compliments

PB Marshmallow Brownies with HONOR and compliments

Dont you just love giving someone a compliment?  To see their face light up with happiness or a soft blush come over their cheeks is always so rewarding to me.  Unfortunately for many (including myself) it is often easier to give a compliment than to receive one.  I work hard on accepting compliments with grace and appreciation even though it may make me feel uncomfortable.  Its just one of those things that I continually have to work on in life....Ive accepted it.

Well, not that long ago I received a very BIG compliment.  I was asked by a fellow food blogger, the sweet Maranda of Jolts and Jollies to be a guest on her blog.  OMGoodness was I so happy that she asked me to do so! I have never been asked to be a guest on someone elses blog before!!!  In my humble opinion it is a very HIGH compliment to be asked to write a post on someone elses blog - they are trusting that you will provide the same kind of care, appeal and creativity that they themselves work so hard to provide to their blog followers, family and friends.  Needless to say I was over come with honor when Maranda presented me with her proposition.  Thank you, thank you Dear Maranda for asking me to be a guest blogger on your precious, delicious and fabulous blog.   I enjoyed every minute of it!

Go check out what I wrote up and featured on my guest post on Jolts and sure is YUMMY.  And yes, it contains not only peanut butter but also chocolate and marshmallows coming all together in one lovely brownie. Scrumptious to the MAX!

And while you are over at Jolts and Jollies be sure to check  Marandas delicious recipes.  You wont be disappointed!

I thought I would leave you today with one of my favorite recent views in life.  It just makes me so happy to look at I must say!

Can you guess who it is? little Coco-Nut :-)

Available link for download