Friday, April 7, 2017

Photo Updates!

Photo Updates!

So, yesterday I posted an epic post with no pictures :( Sorry! Today, Ill show you what I was talking about.  I took a few pictures last night so I can show you the progress. All of these things are kind of a work-in-progress rather than complete, but youll see what I mean.

So first, the backyard...  We put a lot of pine straw down along the back border of fence and grass. It helps clean the area up and it is a huge improvement over what it was.  Sorry, theres not really a good before pic. And then theres a picture of what the rosemary bush looks like AFTER pruning and attacking it. Its still unruly and kind of ugly, but at least its not as crazy as it was.  I havent really figured out what to do with it. I have another normal sized rosemary plant that I use for cooking because this one is really woody, but it seams like itd be a shame to cut down a 10+ year old gigantic rosemary bush.  So, it stays for now. And yes, we have really bad grass aka weeds/mint/raspberry... boo. Well hopefully be tackling this in the fall or next spring.
the rosemary bush
We also re-did the stone walkway to the gate in the backyard. Heres a picture of what it looks like now. I think its a big improvement!

On the front of the house, we trimmed the boxwood shrubs a ton, but you really cant tell, lol.  These things have grown a lot since the early spring, so they needed a trimming badly. We decided were going to wait until later to really cut them down and try to get control of them. Eventually, Id like to make them a lot shorter and one continuous hedge, rather than individual huge bushes.  Then, I could add some shorter plants in front of them to add some dimension to the front of the house. But, thats going to have to wait a while.

Back inside, I finished painting the guest room last night and hung the curtains. This room still has a long way to go, but here are some pictures.  The comforter/set on the bed is from the guest room in our last apartment. It will stay for now, but i think it might be too busy and overwhelm the curtains. Ill probably switch it out eventually for something a little more simple. But before then, I need to figure out a headboard and other decorations in the room.  In these pictures you can also see the dresser that were redoing. Were updating a dresser and night stand by painting them white for some more contrast in this room. I love the way the wall color(SW Oyster Bay) looks against the white trim and furniture.  

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