Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Paper Mache Bird Nest

Paper Mache Bird Nest

In a recent issue of Country Living magazine they had a page on making paper mache bird nests from shredded newspaper and paper bags. I knew it would be a great craft for us as we are seeing so many busy birds out in the yard now that spring is here.

We followed the directions found in the magazine with the exception of shredding the paper because we dont have a paper shredder. Instead, I just cut strips from one shopping sized paper bag. The glue mixture was just glue and water. I decided to have us make one larger sized nest and have my daughters work on it together. It worked out great and they had fun with the paper mache process.

The nest is now at the playstand and has really sparked some fowl play around here!

Weve put our wet felted eggs and chicks into the nest and the stuffed Audubon birds fly around and keep the chicks warm, protected and well fed.

It is also pretty interesting to see what else makes it way into the nest too.

Available link for download