Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Pat rescued me!

Pat rescued me!

Hi there.
Thanks for popping in.
Well, I have blitzed the house from top to bottom
in anticipation of the kids’ arrival tomorrow.

It always gets worse

before it gets better though, eh!

The tree is a real beaut - 

especially now it is lit and dressed.

I did have to go and buy SOFT WHITE LIGHTS though.
Last year, Dave got some which you would be more likely to see around a pothole in the road than on a Christmas tree.
You know the sort - really bright and flashing, to stop you falling in. Nightmare for anybody prone to epilepsy.
But I didn’t like to say anything, because he had literally gone out in the 11th hour and ended up with the last turkeys in the shop!
So all through Christmas it was like sitting next to a flashing roadworks. We would have looked daft with sunshades on, 
but the thought did cross my mind. 

Yes, so this year, nice and SOFT.

Anyway, enough levitree....
I have to go to all night Tescos up the road and get some food in.
The fridge is just full of iffy cheese and suspicious looking ham.
So I shall have to have a BEST BY - USE BY check, eject the dangerously out of date stuff and pick the labels off where I can before Mark gets in there.

He always was a pain as a kid. 
As soon as he learned to read. 
“Mum, do you know that these sausages should have been eaten a week ago?”
“Mum, the date on this tin is from June.”
“It’s only July now Mark”
“June last year.”
Smart arse.

So yeah. Best doctor the fridge before he lands !!

I had a coffee and took time out to enjoy all the beautiful handmade cards which are landing daily, before I put them all out on display throughout the house. 
We are so lucky. Each and every one a little masterpiece. 
So I thought, if it’s ok with you, during the next week or so,
I would showcase art from you.
I’ll be honest - I don’t really want to do artwork when my kids are home. I wouldn’t miss the blog for the world, but I would like to lean on you guys a bit for the artwork, if that’s ok.

This fabulous card was made by Pat Al Yousef.
Isn’t it beautiful?

The background is done with paint and a Gel Press Plate .
See? Very clever work.

The Santa Christmas Stampset was illustrated by our mel.
Really fab too. Very quirky and uplifting.
I love how Pat has used the handmade mulberry paper as a frame. 

Yes. Thank you Pat.
You have not only given me a lovely keeper card, 
one which will go in my special box after Christmas,
but you have also given me time. 
Time at your end in the making,
time at this end, in helping me blog. 

Hope it’s ok with you guys if I use the blog to showcase your work over Christmas? If it’s a problem, please private message me and let me know.

Right. Tescos.

E X C I T E D !!!!!

Love & hugs,
I mean Barb 

Available link for download