Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Painting Acorn Caps

Painting Acorn Caps

On our walks and while outside weve been collecting pinecones and acorns.  Like the squirrels, were storing them for winter (crafts and play later when there is nothing but snow on the ground).  I keep both the acorns and pinecones in a sealed bag for a week or so just to make sure nothing hatches or crawls out of them before we use them.

I pinned this idea found here about making fairy dishes from seed pods and knew my girls would love it.  This is the second time weve painted acorn caps, they do love it.

We broke off any little stems from the caps to help them sit flat and in some cases we sanded the bottoms.  Using craft paint, they painted and decorated the caps.

They love these cheery little dishes and use them with the doll house and their little play figures.  I love that each one is unique.

Available link for download