Friday, March 31, 2017
Peter Murphy and Nivek Ogre in a Horror Movie
Peter Murphy and Nivek Ogre in a Horror Movie
Recently the lovely folks over at World Goth Day posted a link about a new horror film in development with some familiar faces. According to the films creator Chris Alexander, Peter Murphy of Bauhaus and Nivek Ogre of Skinny Puppy will both play roles in the new film, with Peter starring.

The films plot seems somewhat elusive so far (Ive heard murder and very little else) but Chris Alexander did call it "an erotic, violent fever dream driven by mood, music and atmosphere" which could be either brilliant or awful, you know how it goes.
Of course, this wont be Peter Murphys first appearance in a horror film (or any films, recalling Twilight.) The Hunger, a vampire flick featuring David Bowie, has a memorable opening sequence that includes Peter Murphy singing Bela Lugosis Dead. Nivek Ogre also made an appearance in Repo! The Genetic Opera.
Of course this wouldnt be the first time a film which seems promising is announced and then flounders, but Ill keep my eye out for Peter and Nivek and see if anything else comes to light.
Assuming the film makes it out of development, would you go to see it?
Available link for download