As you wish, readers. Make some reindeer garland/bunting as in here. How to make it? Remember the children paper bag garland you used to make in kindergarten? Same treatment here. Anyhoo, if youre still puzzled heres how to do it.
trace the pattern into desired card stock/paper of choice, to avoid arthritis I suggest in not much weight than 90gsm.
did you notice the red vertical line on the pattern? thats where you should fold the paper (in accordion fold) and be careful not to cut through that line or your reindeer wont kiss.
once you finish, the reindeer chain will look slightly curved. If youre using A4 paper, and print the pattern by 50%, like I did, youll need 3 chains of reindeer to make full circle.
Easy peasy. Talking about paper.. I have made and mailed my cards for little.lovely Christmas card project. I thought I told you I got scissors happy this Christmas. My first try on paper cutting, please do gentle criticism. Just kidding. Do harsh criticism if you like. Heres them before they hit the envelope.
My humble "box" tree. :)
This one is, obviously, inspired by 1948 Disney short, Once upon a Wintertime. As a kid I watched this over and over again, swooning to the song and the images. Thanks to youtube, I get to watch it again and again and again...