Sunday, March 26, 2017

Painting and Drawing Extra Credit

Painting and Drawing Extra Credit


Photoshop Drawing:

Create a photoshop illustration of a flower arrangement or a CRAZY hairstyle.

1. Research and think of an idea. Use the links:
Google Crazy Hairstyle
Google Flower arrangement

2. Right- Click on one of the images below to open it in a new tab.
3. Drag it to your desktop
4. Drag it on to the Ps (Photoshop) icon
5. Use either the drawing, paintbrush and paint bucket tools to create. or cut and paste parts of copyright-free photos.  Fill your page! There should be little to no empty/white space.
6. Save as "YourLastName Flowers or Hair" and turn into the Design flowers/hairstyle folder.

Available link for download