Thursday, March 30, 2017

Perfect Peanut Butter Bars

Perfect Peanut Butter Bars

Hey, are you here to check out my giveaway? If so, scroll down to the post below, or just click here! There is still one more week left to enter, so dont miss it! :)

Our church is having a dessert auction tonight, to raise money for Wordsowers International. Since Jeremy and I love peanut butter and chocolate so much (remember these Buckeye Balls I made in April?), we decided to stick with that theme.

Jeremy made the most delicious peanut butter bars ever, and I cut them up, drizzled the white chocolate, and did the fancy display. There wasnt enough room on the platter to include all the bars, drats! I guess Ill have to eat some myself!

The pressed glass serving platter was a thrift store find, in perfect condition, so pretty and only $2! I also found about 2 yards of gorgeous linen (the background for these pictures!), a wooden spool and bobbin holder, 4 Land Before Time movies for Kade, and a cool old glass jar Im going to use for a moss terrarium! I love thrift stores :)

So, these bars are too good to not share the recipe! Here ya go:

*Perfect Peanut Butter Bars*

  • 1 cup butter or margarine, melted
  • 2 cups graham cracker crumbs
  • 2 cups confectioners sugar
  • 1 cup peanut butter
  • 1.5 cups semisweet chocolate chips
  • 4 tablespoons peanut butter
  • .5 cup white chocolate chips

1. In a medium bowl, mix together the butter or margarine, graham cracker crumbs, confectioners sugar, and 1 cup peanut butter until well blended. Press evenly into the bottom of an ungreased 9x13 inch pan. Refrigerate.

2. In a metal bowl over simmering water, or in the microwave, melt the chocolate chips with the peanut butter, stirring occasionally until smooth. Spread over the prepared crust. Refrigerate for at least one hour before cutting into squares.

3. Melt the white chocolate chips in a glass or ceramic cup. Pour or scoop into a zip lock sandwich bag. Cut off one of the corners, make the opening as small as you can. Squeeze the bag gently and move your hand back and forth to drizzle the white chocolate over the bars. Refrigerate until white chocolate hardens, about 15 minutes.


I hope they do well at the auction, especially since all the money is going towards a really great organization! I know bars arent the fanciest dessert ever, but thats about as fancy as we get here in this house! Unfortunately, Kade has one of his mysterious fevers again, so we are stuck at home snacking on the leftover bars, while Jeremy goes to the auction. Now Im going to go read, "Are You Ticklish?" for the 8th time! :)

Available link for download