Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Paper Cuts Gallery Show!

Paper Cuts Gallery Show!

The ladies above are the three pieces I made for next weekends "Paper Cuts" show at Terminal 22 Gallery in Oakland. These pieces were inspired by the lovely Carmen Miranda - her costumes and charm were just legendary, and I thought that they would be fun to go over-the-top with in paper:)

PAPER CUTS will show fine art and craft pieces that embrace the possibilities and strengths of paper as a primary media. The shows opening reception is this coming Friday, February 5th from 6-10pm at 2443 Telegraph Ave in Oakland. If you are in the Bay Area next weekend, please stop by! Refreshments and free cupcakes (!) will be provided. I hope to see you there!

Also, I just added the "Dinosaur Party" print and "Sleeping Dragon" paper sculpt to the ol shop, so feel free to take a look if you are interested! Have a lovely week, everybody.

Available link for download