Saturday, March 18, 2017



My last pre- APE post!

Ive spent the last few weeks constructing 10 original mini-paper sculpts that I will be bringing with me to APE! Here they are:

Top to Bottom, Left to Right: Snow Owl, Fall Owl, Seahorse, Canary, The Bride, The Dancer, The Good, The Wicked, Fall Fox, and Patisserie

A few detail shots!

They will be with me at tables 286 and 287, and each piece will probably be priced between $50 and $125. Im going to split them up and have 5 to sell on Saturday and the other 5 to sell on Sunday.

Saturdays Group: Fall Owl, Snow Owl, Fall Fox, the two witches (Good and Wicked)

Sundays Group: The Bride, The Dancer, Seahorse, Canary, and Patisserie

Any leftovers will go up in the shop on Monday! Actually, there will be a pretty hefty shop update on Monday, so if you cant make it to APE, dont feel to bad. But if you can come out, please do! It should be an awesome time!

Available link for download