Thursday, March 23, 2017

Photos from press conference and delivery of petition to free Albert Woodfox at Louisiana State Capitol Oct 21

Photos from press conference and delivery of petition to free Albert Woodfox at Louisiana State Capitol Oct 21

MEDIA COVERAGE:  Times-Picayune  II  The Advocate  II  The Republic / AP  II  KBOO Radio interviews Robert H King

Robert H King speaks outside LA State Capitol
(View more photos below)

Click on image above to read the statement of support from LA State Rep. Patricia Smith

Congressman Cedric Richmonds statement for October 21:

“I am firm in my resolve to continue the fight to address the horrors of long term solitary confinement in a meaningful way. The plight of the Angola 3 has shined a disinfecting light on this terrible, unconstitutional practice of indefinite solitary confinement without meaningful due process reviews. This past summer, I joined the prominent Ranking Members of the Full House Judiciary Committee and relevant subcommittee Ranking Members in asking the Department of Justice to examine the practice in its use in Louisiana jails. We are continuing to monitor the situation and promise all of you assembled today that the sacrifices of the Angola 3 will not be in vain. We will continue to fight to ensure that prisoners are dealt with in a manner that is consistent with the constitution and I am currently exploring transformative legislation on this very topic. I look forward to partnering with you all to ensure that this story is told and will use my position on the House Judiciary Committee to make certain that we serve the interests of justice. Thank you all for your hard work on this issue and please know that my office stands as a resource to those fighting for justice.”

Louisiana State Capitol
Victory Wallace, Hermans sister

Calendars mark over 41 years in solitary

Robert H King, released in 2001.

Jasmine Heiss of Amnesty Intl.
Michael Mable, Albert Woodfoxs brother
Former A3 investigator Billie Mizell reads a message from Teenie Rogers, the widow of slain prison guard Brent Miller: “Each time I look at the evidence in this case, I remember there is no proof that the men charged with Brent’s death are the ones who actually killed him. It’s easy to get caught up in vengeance and anger, but when I look at the facts, they just do not add up.”

Malik Rahim, early A3 supporter and former Panther

Rev. Dr. Patricia Bates
Petitions delivered.

Available link for download